Sustainability Policies & Documents

In this section, Oetker Collection publishes various documents relevant in the context of Sustainability and responsible management. Oetker Hotel Management Company (trading as Oetker Collection) is owned by the Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG, registered in Bielefeld, Germany. Therefore, some of the below documents are designed and released by the holding company, fully applying to Oetker Collection.


Annual Corporate Sustainability Report

  • Oetker Collection

As a participant of UN Global Compact and the intention to transparently communicate our targets and progress in regards to Sustainability, Oetker Collection submits reports its report to the United Nations on an annual basis.

Code of Business Conduct

  • Geschwister Oetker Group

The good name of our company, our brands and our products is one of our most valuable assets. Our reputation is determined to a large extent by our conduct in business life. In the spirit of sustainable action by all employees of the Geschwister Oetker Group, our Code of Conduct describes the basic requirements for our behavior in business life ("Code of Conduct"), both internally and externally.

Human Rights Declaration

  • Geschwister Oetker Group

We as Oetker Collection as well as all affiliated companies of Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG are committed to clear human rights principles and have recorded this in our Declaration of Principles. This serves as a framework for our corporate and business activities with the aim of fulfilling our responsibility towards people and the environment.

Responsible Procurement Chater

  • Oetker Collection

The desire to positively contribute to the planet and the society certainly also applies to our supply chain management and procurement processes. Oetker Collection and all its hotels therefore seek to exclusively engage with business partners, who share the same values regarding environmental and social concerns, described in this charter.

Business Partner Code of Conduct

  • Oetker Collection

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners defines contractual terms for business partners we aim all our suppliers and partners to adhere to regarding Compliance and Sustainability. It shall apply to all companies of Oetker Collection and its affiliated hotels.

Compliance Organization

  • Oetker Collection

Due to the strong international growth of our companies and the increasing legal requirements Compliance has gained considerable importance. Therefore we have established Compliance Management Systems. If indications of (potential) law violations in relation to our Hotels or the Oetker Collection itself arise you have the possibility to send – if desired completely anonymously – a message via the appropriate compliance channels to the competent authorities. The Compliance Systems are available to all employees as well as third parties. All reported matters will be treated in strict confidence and carefully investigated, with action taken where necessary.